1. promoter subject and general description
Turbolento Thinkbike and ChaseTheSun-UK (hereinafter ‘the Promoters’) are promoting a long-distance cycling event called CHASE THE SUN ITALIA (CTSI) for Saturday, June 21, 2025.
The Event is NON-competitive, will take place on the day of the year with the longest period of daylight (Summer Solstice), will follow the coast-to-coast route from Cesenatico to Tirrenia, will be independently cycled by the
participants with full respect for the Highway Code and will last the whole day from sunrise to sunset.
Participants must observe and follow some simple road rules and instructions:
A. The wearing of a cycle helmet is mandatory.
B. The route is as indicated on the travel/rider passport sheet and will be available on turbolento.net (and/or other website partner) from May, 2025. Each participant will be provided with the travel/road-book sheet in addition to the GPX format tracker for satellite navigators.
C. Being an independently-cycled event, it is strongly recommended that each participant is equipped with a map of the area, or alternatively a Garmin-type GPS system or a cartographic type smartphone app. It is advisable to either have sufficient spare batteries/a power bank, or be in a position to readily acquire them.
D. Participants must be acquainted with the route and be able to orient themselves independently by following road signs and/or directions as provided in the road-book.
E. Participants will be provided with a sign of recognition badge: Though not for classification purposes, it must be worn by the participant or shown on the bicycle itself.
F. Motorized vehicles including cars, motorbikes or motor scooters are not permitted to follow individual participants for the purpose of providing personal assistance.
G. There are two different ways in which to participate:
– individually, by completing the entire route alone;
– RELAY team: a mixed relay of three elements (see point 7. methods of following, withdrawal from the Event, relay option).
2. participation
All cyclists registered with 2025 British Cycling members,or similar, are permitted to participate in the event.
Non-member participants (participants without license) who are medically certified for cycle sporting events may also participate provided personal insurance covers civil responsibility and injury from accidents. Valid ID and National Health cards must be carried.
Each participant must therefore upload the required documentation on Turbolento subscription form, by the closing date for registrations – 05/17/25 for members, 04/19/25 for non-members.
The optional climb to Colle di Calci (4th climb) is not permitted to those over 65, i.e. those born in 1959 and earlier.
3. registration and participation fee
The registration fee entitles each member to take part in the event with a membership badge, provides for baggage transport from departure to arrival, covers the Friday Welcome Drink and Dinner and Saturday Sunset Dinner and gives access to the road-book/travel sheet / GPX tracker. For ways to register and pay, please refer to the Event’s program published on turbolento.net
4. verification of participant’s physical fitness
At the time of registration, it is obligatory to read and accept the following rules and regulations (by flagging the online registration form) and show proof of one’s amateur cyclist’s card and medical certificate. Failure to do so will automatically exclude the cyclist from participation in the Event.
Upon registration, each participant, in whatever capacity, shall agree to the following, as well as assuming total responsibility for any potential damages caused to third parties:
a) to be in good health and physically fit to participate in the CTSI event;
b) not to have any serious illness that could put themselves and/or any other participant/s at risk while participating in the Event;
c) not to have contracted and/or not to have become aware of any infirmities or debilitating illness regarding the practicing of sports activities in the period following the issuing of the last valid medical certificate for physical fitness;
d) to accept the regulations here and in full without exception;
e) to absolve the Promoters of any responsibility regarding physical fitness in following the suggested route;
f) in any case, from the moment of registration, each participant absolves the Promoters of any responsibility as to the individual’s physical suitability to participate in the designated route.
5. during the event
The CTSI is a non-competitive, long-distance cycling event; the expected distance to be cycled autonomously and with full respect for the Highway Code must, therefore, be considered a ‘cycle-for-all’ event by the participant.
The route will follow roads and highways without any traffic restrictions. Each participant must respect this fact and be aware that the route is also open to regular traffic and therefore does not offer protection or separation from the presence of third parties (pedestrians, other cyclists, motor vehicles of all kinds, etc.). More specifically, and purely by way of example, each participant must be aware that:
a) intersections are to be approached in full compliance with the rules of the Highway Code (stop signs, right of way, entry at roundabouts, obeying traffic lights) as there is no provision made for protection, traffic control or facilitation for cyclists at such places;
b) the crossing of urbanised areas must be carried out with adequate attention and caution with respect to other users, in compliance with the Highway Code and with respect to local by-laws and customs;
c) along the route (in particular, along any cycle paths or unpaved stretches) there may be unmarked obstacles (bollards or barriers for the purpose of preventing or limiting vehicle access);
d) long the route he/she may find pot-holes or other pitfalls (e.g. dirt and gravel, branches, puddles, etc.) and, particularly along any unpaved stretches, his/her speed and cycling behaviour must be governed by rules of adequate and usual prudence and safety;
e) the possible presence of procedures for the facilitation or regulation of traffic flow adopted locally also under the responsibility of individual Local Authorities (e.g.: protected intersections, ‘go-ahead’ signs, the presence of workmen warning road users of the presence of obstacles or pitfalls or means to facilitate the crossing) must be considered as purely exceptional and cannot determine any reliance on the adoption of the same procedures in subsequent sections of the route.
Participants must follow and observe all the instructions provided by the Promoters during the course of the Event. The start of the cycling event will take place at sunrise on Saturday (approximately at 5.30 am). The arrival of the participants, having cycled the distance of approx. 280 km, must take place by sunset of the same day. In case of any accident preventing completion of the cycle-ride within the time limits as stated, participants shall be left to return on their own accord without any expectation on the part of the Promoters for any pick-up or transport service.
6. suitability of the bicycle
Each participant is required to verify that the bicycle intended for use is perfectly suited to the distance expected and type of roads, and assumes sole responsibility for any accidents caused by defects or malfunctions of the bicycle and for any consequent damage caused to their own person or to their own things or to third parties and to the things of third parties, relieving the Promoters of any action or request for damages.
No checks or verification of the suitability and efficiency of the bicycle will be carried out prior to the Event: receipt of the travel form and the identification badge must in no way be interpreted as approval and/or evaluation of the suitability and efficiency of the bicycle whose responsibility is that of the individual participant. Please note that the highway code requires the bicycle to have both front and rear lights that work.
7. vehicles, withdrawal from the Event, relay option
Albeit with the aim of giving personal assistance to individual participants, motorized vehicles such as cars, motorbikes or motor scooters shall not be permitted to follow riders.
Participants who decide to withdraw from the Event along the route for personal reasons must notify the organization of their withdrawal by calling or sending an SMS to the mobile number indicated in the Event’s program. In the event of an accident or mechanical break-down that compromises participation, participants must be able to return to the starting point alone and, in any case, cannot rely on the intervention of the Promoters.
RELAY option. The use of a car is allowed only for the “relay” option. Each relay will consist of three persons, with the inclusion of one female participant in each team. The three participants will alternate freely along the entire route, to be completed between sunrise and sunset, each travelling one section of the route in the car and two sections by bicycle. Each team can have only one car following. The participants in the vehicle must be available in case of request or need for assistance to the other participants. The three participants of each team must present themselves together upon arrival at the finish line.
8. medical service
Given the nature of this non-competitive and freely cycled event, neither specific medical support nor the presence of an ambulance or any self-medication will be on hand in a follow-up vehicle. However, during the course of the Event, the organizer may call for medical assistance, if and when necessary.
9. suspension and cancellation of the Event
The Promoters reserve the right to suspend or alter the duration and route of the Event depending on environmental circumstances or weather conditions. In the event that such conditions delay the departure or the resumption of the Event within a reasonable time, the Promoters may order the cancellation of the same. In case of suspension or cancellation, participants will not be entitled to a refund of the registration fee, nor to any sum of money as compensation.
10. obligations and rules of conduct
None of the roads cycled along or crossed during the Event will be manned with marshals. Each participant shall be considered an independent cyclist. The Promoters of the CTSI event shall not be held responsible in any way for any accidents that may occur during the Event.
The following points, however, are mandatory for all participants:
a) the wearing of a cycle helmet which must correspond to current safety and protection criteria and must be securely fastened under the chin by means of a strap;
b) absolute compliance with the rules of the Highway Code and any other provisions that are also adopted locally;
c) observance of prudent behaviour for one’s own safety, for that of the other participants, other visitors along the route and any spectators present;
d) compliance with the provisions and any notifications from the Promoters, including transfer to checkpoints whether indicated or not, and to local law enforcement agencies.
For organizational and recognition purposes, each participant shall display the recognition badge provided by the organization on the bicycle.
Each participant shall be responsible for ensuring suitable cycle lights in working order (front white and rear red) and suitable reflective clothing (gilet, braces, etc.) to stay safe at all times on the roads and sections of the route, also in conditions of poor light and be in compliance with the Highway Code regarding the use of cycle lights and suitable signaling devices.
Each participant shall equip him/herself with a cycle repair kit and pump as deemed adequate. The participant shall be aware of the fact that the Event is not monitored and, therefore, reasonable precautions must be
taken in case of abandonment of the Event. Adherence to the rules and regulations as found in this agreement are fundamental to the right to participate in the Event. The conduct of persons bound by this agreement shall reflect their support of the principles of integrity and ethics and their efforts to refrain from anything that could be harmful to these aims and objectives.
11. limitations of liability
The Promoters shall not be liable for damage and injuries that may arise to CTSI participants or caused by participants to third parties due to:
a) collision of any sort with other participants, vehicles or stationary objects, for the characteristics of the road surface, atmospheric phenomena or any other cause not directly attributable to the conduct of the Promoters;
b) participants’ physical and health conditions or condition of the bicycles used.
The Promoters shall not be liable for damage that may arise to participants’ or third party property during the course of the CTSI Event. The Promoters shall not be held responsible for the bicycles or other property be it abandoned, lost or stolen before, during and after the CTSI Event including during stops.
12. insurance
Each participant is responsible for him/herself and for the damages that his/her behaviour may cause to him/herself, to third parties and/or to third party property directly or through his own personal injury and liability insurance. The license card for cyclists shall cover only the provisions of the policy of their affiliate body.
13. jurisdiction
For any dispute concerning the interpretation of this regulation or deriving from participation in the Event, including those concerning claims or accidents of any kind, the only competent court will be that of Milan.
14. authorization to process personal data
All personal data voluntarily provided by the participants will be processed for the execution of the obligations and the exercise of the rights deriving from this regulation. The promoters will be able, even for profit purposes, to use each video-filmed image of the participants taken during the Event and each participant also gives his consent to the transfer to third parties of such images and without any territorial limitation.
The processing of data is mandatory and will take place in compliance with the security measures provided for by Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
The decision to participate in the Chase the Sun event is the result of the participant’s own personal and responsible choice. The Promoter’s sole role is to publicise the Event and show cyclists the route to follow. As an old Zen book says: ‘Teachers open doors, but you must enter by yourself’.
This text provides guidance for users, however it cannot be considered as the official text binding the responsibility of the Promoters. In the event of divergence between the English and the Italian texts, the text in its original language shall prevail.